Help reduce fly-tipping that ends up in the Welsh Harp

We need you photographs and updates.

The Silk Stream and Dollis Brook flow through the borough of Barnet. They are rubbish traps for fly-tippers and casual polluting. Most of the trash ends up heading for Brent Reservoir. Trash screens on the Silk Stream and the River Brent (Dollis Brook) upstream of the SSSI hold back some of what arrives in the inflow, but not all. It is wrecking protected habitats.

The Environment Agency is tasked with clearing the screens and surface oil booms which it does with mixed results. Cool Oak is interested in how to stop rubbish entering the rivers in the first place.

We need photographs of hot-spots around the borough where fly-tipping is affecting riverbanks and the river channel. Classic spots, for example, include the bridge on Priestley Way, the Brent Street entrance to Brent Park, the bridge on Waverley Grove, Hendon Lane Weir, the bridge at the junction of Bridge Lane and Bell Lane.

We would welcome photographs of these spots to build up a long-term picture. We would then use this to put more pressure on the council to come up with solutions.

Interested? Send photos and comments to

Thank you.


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